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Five Lanes CE VC Primary School

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School Uniform

Our school uniform is supplied by OHM clothing at 31 Sheep Street, Devizes. SN10 1DJ.  Please follow the link below:


Our school uniform is as follows:

A navy blue cardigan, sweatshirt or fleece.

A white or red polo shirt or shirt/blouse.

Black or dark grey trousers, skirt or shorts.

Summer school dresses in blue check.

White or grey tights.

Black school shoes – no trainers or ankle boots.


At Five Lanes, we encourage you to wear the recommended school colours as this can be purchased from most school uniform retailers. These uniform items do not have to have the school emblem on them. 


P.E. Kit

A plain white t-shirt , and dark shorts in the summer, and dark tracksuit bottoms in the winter. ‘Proper’ trainers help not only to help stop children from slipping over, but also help performance. They need to have a sole that give a good grip, and an arch to allow children to get up on the balls of their feet. These do not need to be expensive.


Please can all children from Year 2 upwards have proper trainers.


Please label all school uniform including shoes and trainers


Jewellery & Hairstyles

  • Pupils with pierced ears may wear simple studs. No other jewellery is permitted.
  • Watches may be worn and remain the responsibility of the wearer.
  • Hairstyles should be kept simple and tidy. Long hair should be tied back off the face. This is a requirement for sports, especially swimming, and also helps to avoid the passing on of head lice.
  • Pupils may not come to school with ‘extreme’ hair styles or colours.
  • Ornamentation, such as tattoos, (including temporary ones) is not permitted.
  • Make up, including nail varnish, may not be worn during normal school hours.



Second Hand Uniform


We regularly offer second hand uniform stalls during our school events.


|If you need help accessing uniform, please contact the school office.

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