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Welcome To

Five Lanes CE VC Primary School

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Our Vision






“Working together to build a firm foundation for learning and flourishing.”

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock” (Matthew 7.24-25)


Our school family is a partnership between staff, parents, governors, the church and the local community, with and for the children. Together we seek to ensure that:


  • We nurture a love for learning by providing fun, creative and challenging opportunities for children to develop   skills for learning and life.


  • Our caring atmosphere promotes security, self-worth and respect.


  • Our children are encouraged and challenged to achieve their best.


  • Families are encouraged to be fully involved.


  • We uphold our Christian values, whilst also respecting and valuing the differences between people so children are prepared for life in a diverse society.


  • Our children understand the importance of keeping themselves fit and healthy, as well as keeping themselves and others safe.


Our Spiritual Journey

Spirituality at our school means noticing the amazing things around us, finding meaning in what we do, and feeling connected to ourselves, others, and the world. We take time to appreciate and reflect on our growth and notice the glow in what we do and how we can share it with our community and the wider world. We support each other to recognise self-worth and celebrate our inner strength which allows us to fulfil our potential.

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