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Five Lanes CE VC Primary School

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Multiplication and Division Support

Why is it necessary to learn times tables?

Much of the key learning of multiplication tables takes place during  Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4.  Children who know their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 (with a good understanding as well as quick recall) cope better with the demands of the maths curriculum in many areas, such as formal written division, equivalent fractions, percentages and ratio and proportion. The mathematics curriculum in Upper Key Stage 2 is built upon a good understanding of multiplication and division and recall of the multiplication tables.  


White Rose Calculation Policy for Multiplication and Division 

Multiplication Tables Check

The multiplication tables check (MTC) was introduced by the Department for Education and is statutory for primary schools.  It is administered to Year 4 in June. 

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help teachers to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.  


Further information: 

Multiplication Tables Check Information for Parents.

Multiplication Tables Check - Information Video

Times Table Booklets

Below is a selection of booklets to support times table practice.  As a guide, pupils are allocated two minutes to complete two columns. 

2 Times Table

3 Times Table

4 Times Table

5 Times Table

6 Times Table

7 Times Table

8 Times Table

9 Times Table

10 Times Table

11 Times Table

12 Times Table

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